New customers can purchase directly without joining the membership for the first time. 新客户第一次不需要加入会员,就可直接购买

If you need 5 cash discount coupons, please register as a member first.  若需要5张现折优惠卷,再麻烦先注册会员

The coupon is only available on weekdays and does not apply during major promotion. 优惠卷限于平日使用,大促销期间不适用

★★★After successfully registering as a member starting from 2023/9/2, new customers will receive 5 special coupons (the coupons are invalid during the validity period, and each coupon can only be used once): ★★★2023/9/2起新客户注册会员成功后,会得到5张特别优惠卷(优惠卷无效期,每张只可使用一次):

1. ★★★1% discount for purchases over SGD 89.4 (this coupon is invalid and can only be used once) 1. ★★★结帐超过SGD 89.4现折1%(此优惠卷无效期,只可使用一次)

2. ★★★ Cash discount of 2% for purchases over SGD 163.9 (this coupon is invalid and can only be used once) 2. ★★★结帐超过SGD 163.9现折2%(此优惠卷无效期,只可使用一次)

3. ★★★ Cash discount of 2.23% for purchases over SGD 223.5 (this coupon is invalid and can only be used once) 3. ★★★结帐超过SGD 223.5现折2.23%(此优惠卷无效期,只可使用一次)

4. ★★★ Cash discount of 2.51% for purchases over SGD 298 (this coupon is invalid and can only be used once) 4. ★★★结帐超过SGD 298现折2.51%(此优惠卷无效期,只可使用一次)

5. ★★★ Cash discount of 3.35% for purchases over SGD 447 (this coupon is invalid and can only be used once) 5. ★★★结帐超过SGD 447现折3.35%(此优惠卷无效期,只可使用一次)


Steps to use coupons on mobile version: 手机版本使用优惠卷步骤:




Steps to use coupons in PC version:电脑版本使用优惠卷步骤:


